Okay, follow me here.
Great content is like a great used car, everyone recognizes it when they see it. Greatness inspires ooohs and ahhhs and stirs
conversation, whether it’s a restored 1969 Chevy Camaro (photo credit: imagejuicy.com) or a hilarious, well-executed
But things have changed.
In the old days, if you had a great used car you were ready
to sell, all you had to do was put a sign in the window and wait. Chances are,
most people where you lived knew about your car because, well, it was awesome.
The word would quickly get around and someone — maybe several someones — would
come and make an offer.
Content is much the same. Not so long ago, great content
would be easy to find and, if it truly was awesome, people knew about it and
would share it without being asked.
Today, there’s so much content (and so many used cars) that
even the best can’t be found without some promotion.
Let me put that another way. If you had a used car today, do
you think you could sell it simply by putting a sign in the window? Perhaps
eventually. But if you really wanted to sell it now, you’d probably promote it on a website somewhere to get the word out, right?
It’s the same with your content. We know it’s awesome. But other
people don’t know it’s awesome if they haven’t seen it.
I read recently where one firm recommends spending 60%
of your budget on creating great content, but reserving 40% for promoting that
content to the right audience at the right time where they prefer to get their information. That sounds about right to me.
So, go out there and create great, compelling, targeted content that
solves a problem in the lives of your target audience. Then, don’t forget to promote
it so they have the chance to see how awesome you are!
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